
The And Structure Of The Intellectual Argument

Decent Essays

When you write a persuasive essay, it’s good to think about how you will construct your argument, from the way you will organize your key points to how and where you will disprove opposing views. A lot of students find it hard to identify what it is that makes a good piece of essay writing. At the core of such writing, it is the nature and structure of the intellectual argument.

So, what is an argument? An argument is well defined as giving of reasons, evidence and support for a claim that something is true. Most importantly, there are two essential elements involved in addressing arguments as the basis of critical thinking. The first component is argument identification and the second element is argument evaluation. In this section, we will focus on identification of argument.

It is important that you recognize which kind of essay questions need some judgment, and then be able to construct a compelling, convincing argument in your essay writing. A key cause of complaint from tutors is that students at all levels do not do this perfectly and end up making their writing descriptive instead of argumentative.

You may be caught by surprise to hear that the word “argument” does not require to be written anywhere in your assignment for it to be an important part of your task. In fact, making an argument then later on expressing a point of view on a subject and going ahead to support it with evidence is often the primary aim of academic writing. Your instructor perhaps assumes

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