
The American Dream : The Disillusion Of The American Dream

Decent Essays

Every person has their own aspiration of what makes life worthwhile. In the United States, some would argue that these aspirations are referred to the American dream. The American dream is the ability of hard-working people to achieve a good and successful life for themselves and their families. It is the dream that achievable by all regardless of one’s faith, color and ethnicity. The Crash movie, however, directed by Paul Haggis demonstrates the disillusionments of the American dream. The movie reveals how one’s religious and ethnic background do in fact act as barriers to a decent life. And that bigotry in the American society diminishes the American dream.
In one of the scenes in the movie, there is a Muslim Iranian man with his daughter in a firearm store, trying to purchase a gun for self-defense from any Islamophobia attacks. The store owner, who is a white male, treats the Muslim customer negatively because of his faith and ethnicity. The Muslim man was insulted by the white store owner for speaking in a different language. Even though the Muslim man was an American citizen, he was still insulted and treated harshly because of his ethnicity. The store owner’s judgment and feelings about the Muslim man were based on stereotypes of the Muslim faith. Inequality has grown in the United States and the manner in which these inequities grow undermine our economy. A rich country that prides itself on being the land of opportunity will never truly restore the American Dream when inequality is till part of the society.
Due to the discrimination and inequality in our current society, it is more likely black children will be born into poverty than white children. Another character in the movie is an African American male, named Cameron Thayer, who was a television producer. Thayer was in the upper class, and that made him believe that his success would make people respect him. However, he was proven wrong by a person who is supposed to protect his American dream. Even though the American Dream implies that each individual should have an equal right without any discrimination. Unfortunately, this dream was eliminated when a white American officer stopped Thayer and his wife. The American officer stole his dignity

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