
Synthesis Essay On The Cost Of College Education

Decent Essays

For years adults have been questioning whether or not college is worth its cost. Over time the price for college has increased drastically and the potential income of a college graduate is barely following that trend. As colleges become more wealthy and powerful, they’re too pricy for someone to afford without help and debt. One of the biggest complaints about a college education is the large price tag that comes with it. A national survey found that 75% of adults in the U.S. think that college is too expensive to afford, showing that a majority of the people in the U.S. agree that colleges should lower prices (Source F). As Source A says, college is about learning but the goal in life is to earn a living (Crawford). This means that while you need to earn a living, college isn’t the only route you can do so. There are careers that don’t require education beyond high school and you can still make a respectable income. It’s easy to see that not enough people realize you don’t need a college degree to get a good job. There are many downsides about college that students don’t realize. Heidi Shierholz, writer of “New College Grads Losing Ground on Wages”, has found that college graduate’s income has adjusted for inflation and still decreased (Source C). Why would you …show more content…

This has led to some people noticing that the income gap between people with a degree and people without isn’t increasing as much as it used to (Source D). Is it possible that one day that gap will cease to exist? Thoughts like this run through quite a few students’ minds as they sign loans and pile up debt. Approximately 33% of students finish college with a bachelor’s degree (Source D). For a society pushing kids to continue their education, that’s a low number. Maybe it has to do with the stress of paying for college of maybe it’s about the slowing income gap but for some reason a majority of the U.S. doesn’t have a four year

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