
Summary Of The Novel 'Niyah Chop's Christmas'

Decent Essays

Ja’Niyah Chop’s Christmas “We’re going to Grandma’s and then to church. Take good care of the baby, Chop, said Mrs. Smith. When she wakes up give her the bottle that is on the kitchen counter. We won’t be long only about an hour and 55 min.” “Yes ma’am, said Chop I’ll do my best with these paws.” “Lock the door Chop.” Crystal woke up after ten min. before they left. “Where is mommy and daddy. “ They went to Grandma’s house and after that they are going to church. They won’t be long, said Chop. Let’s go downstairs so you can drink your bottle. You’ll have to hold on to me so you won’t fall, I really don’t want you to hurt yourself.” So Chop and Crystal went down the green coded snow stairs while Crystal was holding on tight to Chop so she wouldn’t fall. When they passed the living room and saw the beautiful Christmas tree and the presents under it. “Was I asleep when mommy and daddy did the tree?” “Yea you were knocked out I tried to wake you up but you just wouldn’t. I tried like 10 times, you wouldn’t budge. We did it 2 days ago, I think.” “Oh I didn’t feel anything, the only thing I felt was …show more content…

When she went to the cashier she herd this loud siren coming from inside the store, she was the stores 1000th customer. She had received a gift basket for free and what she wanted to buy she didn’t have to pay for it. “This was a very lucky day for me, said Crystal as they walked out of the store and in to the cold weather.” As they were walking to see a few more house the saw Santa and this sign that said: “Help the needy this Christmas”. Crystal saw the sign and she gave Santa her purple hat. “Thank you young lady, said Santa.” “You’re welcome, said

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