
Summary : ' Oedipus Syndrome '

Decent Essays

Oedipus syndrome (young boy to mother)
Electra syndrome (young girls to father)

Step 1: Decide on the type of presentation

You may choose ONE from the following for your presentation but make sure you address the key points provided in the notes.

Powerpoint: 25-30 ILLUSTRATED slides

Prezi diagram: 20-25 sections

Video Analysis: You will videotape yourself discussing the key points of the novel. The presentation should be at 7-12 minutes long and can be submitted online as a media file or as a link to Youtube.

Cut and paste text, audio or written is NOT allowed. The same rules for plagiarism apply to a media presentation as to an essay.

Step 2: What to include in your presentation

a. Introduction of your presentation should set the …show more content…

Whenever people ask me what superpower I wanted the most, my answer would always be "flying". I used to imagine obtaining power to fly so then I could go anywhere in the world to see and experience any thing I wanted to (could use some description and narrow it down). Sometimes I would ask my mother if a place like Neverland really exist in the world and my mother would smile at me and kindly touch my head telling me a white lie that indeed places like Ike it does exist. The answer my mother told me was what maintained my innocence and passion for fairy world deep inside my heart. "Peter Pan" has always been one of my favorite children stories, the adventures the characters go on and the isolated mythical island they live in fascinated me the most, more than any other princess fairytales. However, dreams are dreams, they do not always can true. I did grew out of childhood into young adulthood, and disappointingly I never found the Neverland which I always dreamed about.
I came to an agreement with my young self that flying is impossible.

J. M. Barrier 's master piece literature, "Peter Pan", unfolds a story of a young magical boy who lives in a mythical wonderland where no one ever ages. He and his fairy friend invited Wendy along with two other children on an adventure to wonderland. On their journey, they encounters many challenge circumstances at same time are aware of Captain Hook, greatest

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