
Summary: Close Encounters Of The Third Kind

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Close Encounters of the Third Kind Close Encounters of the Third Kind, directed by Steven Spielberg is a movie about UFO’s being spotted in the sky by Roy and a few government agents and having three different types of close encounters. Roy, one of the main characters encounters the first kind of encounter which is UFO’s flying through the night sky. The second encounter is government agents discovering physical evidence. And the last kind which is the third kind is contact. And the scene I chose to unfold is the third kind of encounter at the end. Where man meets extra-terrestrial and they interact for the first time throughout the movie. Steven Spielberg is notorious for his jaw dropping brilliant movies that mesmerize a large audience. …show more content…

A lot of neon type colors are used in the panels to communicate. The mountain in the back is the subsidiary contrast in this scene, you can see it in the background especially as the UFO approaches but is not the main focus. This mountain is called Devils Tower in Wyoming. This scene has a low density considering it’s in the dark in the middle of the desert and not a whole lot of lighting other than the lights created by the UFO and the base. Those lights are high density as those are super bright. This scene is generally divided into two different general areas, the center and left but mainly center. The UFO is mainly always the center of attention in all camera shots. This scene is closed, as it is something that was manufactured and not real. They manufactured a unique based in the middle of the desert with a giant colorful floating UFO. Also, the government agents and UFO never leave the limits of the frame. The area portrayed in this scene displays a type of loose framing, the characters in this scene have a large area to move around in and aren’t confined into one little area. The

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