
Student Concussions

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If a student player were to be impacted on the field and have a concussion, they should sit out for a longer period of time to fully recover. This because if a student were to have a head injury, somewhat recover, and then get back on the field, they would have higher risks of permanent brain damage which can effect their daily activities. Findings show that a high school student are 3 times more likely to experience a second concussion if they have already had a concussion during that season. They also show that if they fail at properly healing their concussion, they might have long-term consequences and could effect jobs further in life.

Athletes have concussions pretty often. Usually if a student player gets a head injury, they are able …show more content…

Stated in Excerpt 3, "The effects of repeated concussions can be cumulative, and after a concussion, there is a period in which the brain is particularly vulnerable to further injury. If an athlete sustains a second concussion during this period the risk of permanent brain injury increase significantly and the consequences of a seemingly mild second concussion can be very severe, and even result in death." That shows that if you go back in the game not fully recovered, or in that period, and end up injuring yourself again, you could have chances of having more severe symptoms and could even die. That I why concussions should be taken seriously because if you don't take care of it with a proper amount of time then you could potentially die, which most likely no one would want. In Excerpt 4, it states "Recent studies of high school and collegiate athletes have shown that girls and women suffer from concussions at higher rates than boys and men in similar sports, often significantly higher.". This is due to girls having weaker necks, but either way, you should still be cautious when having a concussion because it could effect you later in

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