
Steroids Satire

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Every sports team seems to have that one person that has to be the best, and will go to the extreme to make themselves better. Especially the guys that are a little old and feel as if their training is not good enough to keep up with the youngsters. When I say “extreme” I am talking about steroids. Once the Russian weightlifters introduced this performance enhancing tool to the U.S, some players in almost all major sports, any age, any gender, and any race just cannot get enough of it. Watching ESPN, I see that there is no sign of Athletes slowing down even with a chance of having bad health conditions, being penalized by getting fined, and hurting the team by getting suspended for a certain amount of days; showing that taking steroids and …show more content…

The adoration for the sport can cause athletes to lose sight of what is right, like long term health. Also role models like Arnold Schwarzenegger could persuade the skinny twigs guys to mimic there body, not knowing steroids was the main ingredient. The government has tried different laws and programs, but nothing has broken through. This cheating substance is not getting enough attention when dealing with sports, therefore this epidemic has to be taken care of before the world get hooked. You might have a friend or loved one that takes steroids for their asthma. You might know someone who swears up and down that they have never taken the drug, but there ribs were showing just the other week. Oh, and lets not talk about how angry they get over the most simplest things. This drug was originally made for medical treatment; “they behaves like a male sex hormone, and doctors prescribe them …show more content…

Steroids also called “juicing” works with your testosterone in two forms. Androgen steroids, which assembles muscle building, and androgenic steroids, which gives men things like facial hair and a deeper voice. Most professional athletes you see getting testing and coming out positive may have been on something they call the designer drug. “A particularly dangerous class of anabolic steroid or the so called designer drugs – synthetic steroids that have been illicitly created to be undetectable by current drug test. They are made specifically for athletes and have no approved medical use. Because of this they haven’t been tested or approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and represent a particular health threat to athletes” (Mayo Clinic Staff). Playing sports has always been a passion of mine, but practicing was not something I wanted to do. Even though that is what it takes in order to be great. I would be the perfect candidate for steroids but the simple fact that one hurtful side effect is shrinkage of the privates, and that’s a no, no! In my opinion by taking this cheat drug, these athletes skip the practice step and go into the battle overpowered, stomping on the weak; weather quicker,

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