
Essay To Pursue A Master's Degree

Decent Essays

My decision to undertake a master’s degree stems from my aspiration to have greater knowledge about Computer Science, an avid interest in the field of Software Engineering and a stimulating research environment present at the University of Pennsylvania. By pursuing a graduate degree, I will be able to strengthen my knowledge base and also further my career prospects. One of the greatest discoveries in the past few decades has been the Internet. It has revolutionised how we live, made distance an irrelevant factor and turned the world into a global village. When I was young, my use of internet was limited to text chats and browsing for academic research. Over time, I have seen internet evolve - from a static interconnection of web pages to the complex entity that it is today. A desire to contribute to this ever expanding information highway led me to choose Information Technology as my major in my undergraduate studies. The rapid evolution in computer systems - both at hardware & software levels has allowed us to develop complex applications composed of millions of lines of code. This increase in complexity of software has necessitated that software developers ensure programs be of high quality, be developed within time & meet its specification. It was during college that I developed an interest in Software Engineering as a scientific discipline of developing applications. I became aware of the different software development methodologies and the various stages in

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