
Statement Of Purpose For Industrial Engineering

Good Essays

In this letter of intent, I am going to focus on the purpose of studying Industrial Engineering further at the post-graduate level. I have chosen University name because I feel it will best prepare me to fulfill my future career objectives. I jot down my Statement of Purpose with due respect to the Department and the University.

The boundless possibilities and prompt outcomes are what I find most energizing and alluring about Industrial Engineering. I have a great interest towards the industrial environment and this is the reason I am looking to pursue Master’s in Industrial Engineering. The factor in the recent times is that there have been huge changes in Design Engineering and Global Industrialization making the position of an Industrial Engineer a very essential one. Being part of this rapidly flourishing community has been my ultimate desire.

In order to reach perfection at its summit, it is of utmost necessity that …show more content…

I have also got the chance to get a lot of insight into the processes of casting and welding. In my final year I took Production Planning and Control & Maintenance Engineering as my elective so that I could get initiated into the field. I got to know the basic operations of different mechanical systems of the automobile like the I.C. engine, brakes, clutches, powertrain, transmission and differentials. A Master’s degree would allow me to delve deeper into individual aspects of Industrial Engineering by studying and examining them in greater detail and gain practical experience by way of relevant internships. Hence Master’s in Industrial Engineering became an obvious necessity.

I have vastly benefitted from the breadth of Anna University’s undergraduate syllabus and gained a widespread exposure to many core areas of the field and conceptual understanding. In my under-graduate study, I have learnt how to maintain an expending self-governing approach in all my

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