
Sociological Imagination

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Under the Mind's Eye On the surface, sociology is the study of society and human behavior; yet looking deeper, it is the study of humans in groups and how they interact with one another. Sociologists look at these groups by means of the sociological perspective. This involves looking at a certain behavior like it has never been looked at it before. When done right one can come to a deeper level of understanding about behavior. Using your sociological imagination you are able conceptualize how a person's macro level, which consists of the larger aspects of life such as family and government, and their micro level, (which is the individual itself) combine in order form the person they are. Using my sociological imagination I …show more content…

Leah interrupts my thoughts. She asks me the time. I tell her to buy a watch, expecting her to go back to work. She then demands me to listen to her paper. She reads me the paper and we begin to go off on extreme tangents of her observations (she is doing the same paper). While laughing hysterically we realize where we are. Back to oberservation. The two boys to the left have left now and a guy and a girl now occupy the table. They are doing a project and both appear uneasy. She gives him a look as he is spouting out information, like one of those this-sucks-that-my-teacher-picked-the-partners type of looks. As he talks about ‘economic theory' she stares at him and all of the sudden blurts out, " That's so wrong, do you even know what you are talking about?' The boy stutters to recover, but is pushed down before he can refute her comments. " How about you sit there and look pretty and I'll do the project. I can't afford to fuck up". With that she got up and stormed out of the library. He sat there for moment shocked with disbelief, then looked over at me and said, " Somebody obviously PMSing", then he packed up his things and left. Leah interrupts my thought. She asks if we are going to the game; I tell her we are, expecting her to go back to work. She then reads me her paper, which now consists of ten lines instead of seven. Back to observation. We are now the only people left except for the boy sitting all alone. TAP TAP TAP

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