
Social Problems In Jeannette Walls's The Glass Castle

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In her novel The Glass Castle, Jeannette Walls discusses social problems that people deal with daily. One of the most basic issue we deal with every day is the kind of parents we want to be and the things we feel are the most important to teach our children. The lessons learned in childhood is eventually what shapes a person’s moral and values as they mature into an adult. Walls’ memoir enables us to see how Rex and Rosemary Walls choose to teach their children to see the positive side of their problems. The Walls teach their children that no matte the circumstances tosses at them, they can shoulder the burden. Rex and Rosemary Wells may not be considered good parent, and probably not even mediocre parents today, but their children turned into well-educated adults.
The Wells found creative ways to teach their children important life lessons. Like what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger, along with how to face fears head on. Many people would not agree with the way the Walls chose to educate their children, we can acknowledge the fact that most of their children learned values that otherwise may not have had the chance to.
The positive outcomes of the Walls parenting methods were largely the important values the children learned. They learned the value of standing together as a family, and the importance of having something to aspire for as they matured. The children also learned the value of appreciation, loyalty and forgiveness. The Walls children survived many

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