
Small Dollar Loans Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Contrary to popular beleif, not all forms of debts or small loans are bad. In fact, if you fail to take on any form of debt, how can you expect to build a positive credit history? If you want to buy a new car or if you find a property that you would like to purchase, having good credit can trememdously help you. The point being is that certain types of debt succh as small dollar loans, when managed properly, can assist you when it comes to gettting the things you need in life, that you may not neccasirly have the funds upfront to aquire from the get go. For that reasons, amongst the others, some of which will be listed below, small dollar loans are a kind of debt that can prove to be extremly beneficial, as long as it is used responisbly. Here …show more content…

Fortumelaty however, thanks to a recent chjange that was made in regards to the way credit burears view medical bills, you have up to 180 days to address said bills, before it is added to your credit report. As such, 180 days can give you ample enough time to secure a small dollar loan, in the event that you are unable to afford a payment arrangement.

2) Establish Your Savings Account
If you do not have a savings account and plan to establish one, one of the ways you can jump start it, iss to aquire a small dollar loan. By aquiring a small dollar loan, it will help you to establish your savings account and you can pay it back over time. It's also worth noting that by doing this, you can create an ememrgenyc fund as well.

3) Moving Expenses
Not only can moving prove to be extremly stressful, there's an abudance of expenses that are assoicated with it such as the costs that are associated with storage, hiring movers, packagng supplies, transportation. In fact, the U.S. news reported that the avarege cost that's associated with an intrastate movie iss approcamtley ....... THis number singinanly risies to $$$$ when it comes to moving out of state. Many people elect to put thesse chargeds on their credit card, however, if your crdit card company compounds your interest, you will essentially set yourself up to pay interest on interest". However, a much more cost effective solution would be to aquire a small dollar loan with a lower intres rate and simple

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