
Sledding On A Cold Short Story

Decent Essays

A few years ago, I went sledding on a freezing cold day. After getting back from sledding, I went to open the garage door, it didn't work. I didn't even have a key! My mom, dad, and brother went shopping. Just my sister was home, and of course, she was sleeping. I had no way to get in! I was stuck outside in a blizzard. All that I had was my snow gear, a sled, a basketball left from Autumn, and a few rocks in our front yard. I decided to throw some rocks and the basketball at my sister's window. Not very hard, just to try to wake her up. I knew she was a heavy sleep, so I knew that I had no hope. After about five or ten minutes of that, she didn't wake up. It was about -10 degrees outside and I knew my parents would be gone long. I got freaked out. I started pacing …show more content…

At this point, I never wanted to go sledding again. It was that bad. Snow coming down hard, it was freezing cold, and it was almost eight o’clock at night. I started to lay down in the snow, and pout. I thought, “This is by far, the worst day of my life.” I also thought, “Why did I not bring my house key? Why am I so stupid!” I thought up a plan. I need to ring the doorbell, yell as loud as I can, and knock as loudly as I could at the same time. I thought it was marvelous! I kept thinking it would work. Then I got up to execute my plan. I reached the door. Then, I went wild. I was banging as loud as I could, yelling as loud as I could, and ringing the doorbell as obnoxiously as I could. But five minutes later, nothing! I thought my sister was deaf! She made me so mad. I ran off the porch, kicked the snow, and face planted. I started kicking and screaming. I was so mad at her. Then I realized, it had been my fault the whole time. I was the one who had left my key. It had been both of our fault. Mostly mine, but both of our fault. I felt really mad at myself. Even though I got mad at myself, I still needed to get in the

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