
Similarities Between Howard Hawk And John Ford

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Howard hawks and john ford were both american film directors of the late twentieth century of classic hollywood era. Howard hawks worked on many film genres from screwball comedy to western. Howard hawks most notable films each served as an excellent representation of each genre. Credit can be due to his freedom as an independent producer to make any film in his own manner. Most of Howard Hawks films centered on the theme on the transitions of friendship, trust, and growing faith in another human being. John ford was well renowned for the western genre and adaptations of classic 20th century american novels. John ford gained directorial recognition with his film creation, “The Informer”. To concentrate on the western genre both howard hawks …show more content…

John ford shared the same traditional values as D.W. Griffith of family, love, decency, and democracy. John Ford was a populist. He always favored the people of kindness and opposed people who twist the rules to their will for power and greed. John ford concentrated more on visual images rather than dialogue to express a point in certain scenes. On the opposite side, howard hawks films were more violent and direct with less sentimental input. Narrative had a moe impactful meaning in determining what the character represents oppose to the implicit examination of emotional interactions. Howard hawks protrayed his characters motivations and judgment on the actions taken. Howard hawks omission on implying what is not explicitly expressed is the essence of his …show more content…

matthew stood up to Dunson authority as he saw he had been drinking too much and being unreasonable in wanting to kill two stranded men. The tone and music being played during this alteraction showed the seriousness in matthew to lead his men and the cattle to a new route and stop this tyrannical reign of dunson. Even dunson long time friend witness what dunson had become and decides to join Matthew. In the ending scene, dunson has a standoff with matthew looking to kill him. The both of them exchange blows but it is ended quickly. Dunson finally puts aside his pride and recognizes his faults and cruelty. He credits matthews on his success by making him co-owner of the

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