
Seventeen Syllables Summary

Decent Essays

Relationships between a parent and a child can always be strange. Both the child and the parent didn’t grow up in the same time period but, they both want to understand what the other one is experiencing. In the short story, “Seventeen Syllables” by Hisaye Yamamoto Rosie and her mom seems to have a strange bond with each other. On one hand the daughter, at first, didn’t have a clue of the back story and the relationship of her parents. While on the other, Rosie’s mom doesn’t understand that Rosie is in a different place and time than her. Even with these misunderstandings Rosie has an unbreakable bond with her mother that can potentially overcome some of their biggest obstacles that are thrown their way.
Rosie’s mom is very emotional after her husband destroys her award that she earned from writing beautiful haikus. That was the last straw for her and she no longer could with stand the feelings she had been holding back for this time. She broke down and told Rosie the truth about her life before she “meet” her husband. And after the heartbreaking story …show more content…

We don’t really have that much of him besides that he works at their form and doesn’t appreciate Ume Hanazono poetry work. He gets frustrated that she spends more time writing than helping around on the farm. That’s why when Ume Hanazono wins the contest with her haiku and gets an award he ends up destroying it and burning it. After this Rosie’s mom asked her a question she didn’t want to her, “Do you want to know why I married your father?” With what just happened Rosie knew she wouldn’t like what her mother was going to say. Rosie responded with just saying “No,” but it was too late for that the damage that her father inflicted on her mother was too much. “Her Mother, at nineteen has come to America and married her father as an alternative to suicided.” We don’t know what is currently going on in Rosie’s head but we can assume that she is shocked by what her mother is telling

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