
Servicing Debt

Better Essays

Data from the public use Federal Reserve Board’s Survey of Consumer Finances was utilized to evaluate the impact of servicing secured and unsecured debt in relation to a pre-retirees standard of living and the ability of pre-retirees to accumulate assets for retirement. The study examined the economic, behavioral, and socio-demographic characteristics of pre-retirees, in addition to the financial profiles of pre-retirees servicing debt. Also, the use of debt for pre-retiree cohorts at different time periods was examined to evaluate how the use of debt has evolved. This study confirms the results noted in prior literature on the use of certain forms of debt and provides additional evidence that servicing debt late in the life cycle is detrimental …show more content…

Also, as compared to previous cohorts of pre-retirees, the 2013 cohort has accumulated a lower amount of wealth and was unable to reduce the change to mean income resulting from servicing debt in the same manner as previous cohorts. One cause for this occurrence resulted from the stagnation of growth to mean annual income for the 2013 cohort. Moreover, the results of the logistic regression analysis indicate second mortgages and education loans are the most impactful sources of debt reducing the standard of living, as measured by net worth, and hindering the accumulation of retirement …show more content…

The demographic characteristics of debt burdened pre-retirees were identified as White, single women, and pre-retirees with college degrees. Debt-burdened pre-retirees are vulnerable to depleting all available resources at an early phase of their retirement. This study also highlighted that within the family structure, single pre-retirees with children accumulated the least amount of financial and retirement account assets. Within the category of race, African-Americans and Hispanics were the most vulnerable races when assessing the impact of debt on the standard of living and the accumulation of financial assets. Specific efforts to educate these vulnerable groups on the pros and cons of credit are

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