
Self Evaluation Research Paper

Decent Essays

Entering COMS 100 I had this alter ego that I would do exceptionally well because I’ve previously hosted events and public speaking was one of my strong suit. Even though the majority of the class took this course the previous semester and had the upper advantage because they knew what to expect unlike me. After presenting the self-introduce speech I felt that this course would require more work and dedication than I originally anticipated. Through the 16 weeks of being a part of COMS 100, I’ve learned multiple valuable lessons. First and most important, I had to cut off my ego. I could no longer use the excuse that I use to host silly high school events and say I’m a great public speaker. After my self-introduce speech, I made it my mission to do well on my commemorative speech and all these different elements to make my speech one of the best. I put in a long more effort into my second speech for two reasons; I wanted to show Mrs. J that I was …show more content…

For both of my two previous speeches I was able to add a little insight from myself and give my own thoughts and opinions. I was restricted from doing any of my own ideas for the informative speech. I had to show the audience that I was not being basis and I wanted them to believe what I believed. One of my biggest flaw in the informative speech was that I provided a little too much information to the audience and in doing that I exceeded my time range. The second flaw I had was during my speech, there was a lot of distraction in the audience and that threw me off. I was not able to focus on what I was presentation and that caused me to be a little forgetful and I started to stutter. I received an end grade of B- which to me was the worst thing imaginable. Rather than being angry of the fact that I didn’t do as well as I hoped, I took those comments and advice and better myself for the last

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