
Scrooge Character Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

For this page I will be talking about Scrooge and how he looks, who he like and dislikes, other interesting facts about him. Scrooge is and old man that works in a counting house. Scrooge lives all by himself.

First, Scrooge is a very lonely elderly man he let his love go and his business partner Jacob Marley died. He always wears a top hat and a black top (like a jacket). The way they dress is one way to tell this was very long ago. By the way they were dress you can tell that it very long ago in London City.

Once, in his life when he was younger he loved a girl so very much but he let her go. Ever since then he was working with his partner in the counting house and his name was Jacob Marley how had died and Scrooge didn’t care has much

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