
Satire Essay

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Your Traditional Pre-Black Friday Newsletter So the last two newsletters, in my opinion, were a pleasant diversion and definitely cathartic for me! Soaring rhetoric and amazing separation of independent clauses with perfectly placed semi-colons, passing references to Zero Mostel, zombie apocalypses, orange urine, loan calculations; plus, an obscure Bible reference, regarding seed sowing and free range donkeys. However, no matter how high you fly, someone always seems to be there ready, willing, and eager to shoot you down, and when the other shoe finally does drop from the sky, it usually lands in a steaming pile of doggy doo! So back to the old grindstone W.E. go; but, before unflinchingly diving headlong into number two, let me …show more content…

distribute for free each Christmas - they make great stocking stuffers. So Veterans Day always falls on November 11, (except for a brief period between 1971 and 1977 when it was celebrated on the fourth Monday of October) but this year W.E. will be celebrating it on a Friday, our rubbish day! Rubbish is exempt from pick up only on Christmas Day and New Year, every other Tuesday and Friday, W.E.’ll be here pulling the rubbish train - at least Charito and I will be, this year! Veterans Day began as Armistice Day in 1919, marking the date when Germany and the Allies signed a 1918 agreement to cease WWI hostilities. Two decades later in 1938, by an act of Congress, it became a legal holiday and then after WWII it became a day of observance for all Veterans, with President Eisenhower making it an official holiday in 1954. What’s the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day? Memorial Day is a day for remembering and honoring military personnel who died in the service of their country, while Veterans Day commemorates all those who served honorably in the military, during war and peace times. So I haven’t had a vacation in ten years, or since my trip to Harvard! However, I’ll be away taking treatment at hospital, 9-3, Monday - Friday, all next week. Nothing to worry about. Please be nice to the Office Manager during my absence. In general, she is placed in a difficult position: chasing down missing

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