
Saginaw Police Investigation

Good Essays

A Day in the Life of a Police Officer

For my ethnographic essay I chose to study the life of police officers who work in the City of Saginaw. Today’s society is consumed by false statements and false social media articles. There are thousands of articles, television commercials, and websites about police brutality, race problems, and rarely seeing anything good about police officers. Lately it seems as though society is more concerned about police brutality than actual positive affects police officers have on society. With all of the things you hear on social media, and fake Facebook articles there are many different things that need to be taken into consideration. What are the positive affects police officers have on the world and in your …show more content…

I focused on the conference room located on the first floor behind the front entrance desk. In general the conference room is a very big room with many tables, chairs, whiteboards, and a couple computers. The walls that enclose the conference room are all white and have picture frames holding pictures of retired Saginaw police officers. The upper floors which include the gym, evidence rooms, file rooms, and detective offices. The majority of one side of the Saginaw City Police Department are windows. The inside structure is made of white cement blocks. But for the most part the Saginaw City Police Department is a very open space. In the upper half of the police department several offices fill up the floors, although they are all for the Saginaw City Police Detectives. The ratio of men and women police officers definitely are not the same. There are more male police officers than female police …show more content…

You inform the dispatcher that you’re en-route to the location responding in code three which is lights and sirens. When you arrive on the scene, you can see two seriously damaged vehicles and all you see is chaos. The two vehicles appear to be stuck together because they hit each other so hard. The coolant and oil is splattered all over the road and burning and boiling off of the still hot engines. You’re trained to give first aid and basic life support, you are silently thankful that an ambulance is already on the scene. You see a paramedic talking with a driver who is pinned inside the vehicle trying to keep them awake. You notice that the driver is covered in blood and has severe cuts all over his or her body. Firefighters arrive on the scene to use Jaws of Life to cut out the pinned in driver. The other driver in the other vehicle appears to be unresponsive and you see paramedics pulling the driver out of the vehicle to conduct CPR on the driver. The paramedics dispatch that they need flight care to pick up one of the seriously injured drivers. The ambulance takes the other driver to the hospital after being cut out of the vehicle. Flight care arrives on scene to pick up the severely injured driver. One of your main duties is to guard flight care from people and vehicles. Flight care

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