
Robert Morgan Legend

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Paper People always claim they know what a legend is; there are stories that are legends and there are people who are legends. A person who is a legend has certain characteristics such as doing what everyone thought was impossible, they don’t take the road less traveled they take the road never before traveled (Waters, 2012). A legend is remembered for a long time after they are gone and admired by so many (Waters, 2012). A legend is also something or someone who inspires others for years to come. That legend is talked about long after its time has passed. When you think of a legendary movie you remember the inspirational parts and the parts that really left a lasting impression. People become legends when they do something extraordinary …show more content…

He also ends up dying ironically because people were scared of him since he was the only human. They shouldn’t have been afraid of him but, they were since they haven’t seen a human in so long the assumed that he still had the virus but it was just a different form of it. In the end Morgan is able to find a cure to the virus that has changed all these people into vampires. Morgan ended up being a legend because he was the last human but that is also what got him killed and he was able to be a legend in that way to. For being normal in such a chaotic world he stood out as being different in a bad way even when he was the most normal one. That is part of what also made him have an ironic death and become a legend. His last words before he died was “they are afraid of …show more content…

Robert Morgan doesn’t really know why these things work against vampires but somehow they do. Every night he puts up new mirrors because apparently vampires hate looking at themselves in mirrors. Then he has to make sure the garlic on his doors is fresh and he knows or thinks he knows that vampires just hate the smell of garlic. Next legend has it that the only way to kill a vampire is to stake it so Morgan makes wooden stakes during the day. Then Morgan know that in order to make sure that the vampire is dead for sure he has to burn it so in the morning he drives around and finds the dead ones and takes them to the fire pit. All these different legends about vampires and how to keep them away came from different stories. Many came from different disease that when people got certain diseases that would start to have symptoms like sensitivity to garlic, drinking blood, and sensitivity to mirrors. Another legend about the vampires is that they can’t go out in the sunlight. This could be a legend from the Porphyria

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