
Rhetorical Analysis Of Dumpster Diving

Decent Essays

Dumpster Diving and it’s Honorable Niche
There are many people who choose to live their life based on what they find in dumpsters. You can spot them almost anywhere because there is a great population of them. Many people that see one of these ‘dumpster divers’ view them as disgusting or inappropriate to society. People are quick to judge others when they do not relate to how they live their life. ¨On Dumpster Diving¨ by Lars Eighner is a short excerpt from his memoir “Travels with Lizbeth”, he begins to explain that dumpster diving is not a bad activity as most view it as. He talks from a dumpster diver’s perspective, and tries to prove that dumpster diving is resourceful. Eighner applies the three rhetorical appeals to establish his argument that dumpster diving is an ¨honorable niche¨, although he uses ethos the most to support his position.
To begin with, ethos was a big appeal that Eighner used to convince his readers that dumpster diving is an honorable activity. He begins to explain his own experience in dumpster diving, and how it is something honorable to him. Ethos is described as having, ¨… personal warmth, consideration of others, a good mind and solid learning¨ (Fahnestock, 1). So, when arguing ethos, the person has to be relying and with experience. Eighner does give many examples from his personal perspective as a dumpster diver, and makes him a reliable source. In the short excerpt, ¨On Dumpster Diving¨, Eighner explains, ¨...and because I visited the dumpster regularly I knew what was fresh and what was yesterday's¨ (24). As a person with experience in dumpster diving, he explains that he can tell the difference between what has been recently thrown away and what has already been there for a while, and with that he knows what is good to use and what is not. This is a good factor of dumpster diving because he does not need to spend any money like others, he just relies on what others throw away. Also, Eighner explains, “The student does not know that, and since it is Daddy’s money, the students decide not to take a chance” (26). Eighner describes those who are unresourceful as rich, spoiled, kids that do not know how to occupy what they have wisely. In this case dumpster divers take advantage

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