
Reflective Essay On Weaknesses

Decent Essays

In my initial reflection essay, I spoke on how I believed that I had about an equal amount of strengths as I did weaknesses. I acknowledged that my strengths are what set me apart from my other peers while also acknowledging that my weaknesses were what held me back from improving my writing abilities and gaining confidence in my writing. Because I believed that my weaknesses were more important than my strengths, I had little confidence in my writing. My goals that I wished to accomplish during this class were to either entirely put a stop to my bad writing habits or drastically reduce how much I practiced these habits when writing. The materials covered in this course and the way that they were addressed made a huge difference in the way I go about preparing for, writing, and revising my essays. Before this class began, I had wanted to improve many aspects of my writing. I wished to increase the variety of my sentence structures, strengthen my conclusion paragraphs, and to avoid constantly repeating my thesis in my paper multiple times. I failed to include in my initial reflection how I felt that my reading analysis and comprehension skills didn’t feel as strong as they had once before, so that was an additional contribution to my low confidence regarding my writing skills. Beforehand, I had taken writing 121 in high school with high hopes of genuinely improving my writing- only to be disappointed by the way the class went about “improving the smaller details that make up the entirety of an essay.” After that experience, I had low expectations for this course. I am relieved to say that my expectations were exceeded. This course’s classes consisted of sharpening comprehensive reading and analyzation skills every time we met, which is extremely useful when writing essays that rely on tieing back to assigned readings. Right off the bat I began feeling more confident because of the repetitive sharpening of those skills. Later in the course, more towards the end, we revisited the importance of word choices, sentence structures, etc. Although these are introduced to students at a young age, the importance of these components can be easily overlooked when focus is emphasized on other things, such as vocabulary or

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