
Reflective Essay On Rhetorical Thinking

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Rhetorical Thinking: Rhetorical Thinking, I have to be honest, I still have a hard time wrapping my head around this one. I haven’t even the slightest grip on it. I had to google the definition of Rhetorical to even begin to understand. The most I’ve heard the word “rhetorical” is when my football coach said, “It’s a rhetorical question, you dummies.” I want to give full disclosure, I am very aware that I am not the most literate person, nor do I have the widest vocabulary. I never had an interest in literature or in school in general. I faked my entire way through school from 6th grade to graduation. All of this is very new to me, it's all confusing, and difficult for me to understand. I will give my best and I will apply my process of success to this course to be as successful as possible. “Learn and use key rhetorical concepts through analyzing and composing a variety of texts” -Like I said, I don’t understand this at all. What in the world are rhetorical concepts? I feel I am good at looking at all the details and I feel I can throw together details to create a finished product, but I am so confused on rhetorical thinking. Gain experience reading and composing in several genres to understand how genre conventions shape and are shaped by readers’ and writers’ practices and purposes -Now this, I feel I can do. I can write casually, in a freewriting type of way. I can write poems to my girlfriend, I’ve created love songs and raps. I have written on controversial topics such as population control, gun control, Marijuana Legalization, etc. I have written stories, persuasive essays, argumentative essays, and beyond. I love to read about new sciences like the gut bacteria being linked to mental disorders. I love to read stories like The Alchemist and The Hobbit. Most of all I love to read books on self-improvement and how to leadership, for example, “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck” and “Leading With The Heart.” Understand and use a variety of technologies to address a range of audiences -I live in the twenty first century, I grew up while technology wasn't amazing but I grew with the technology so I can write on paper, draw some pictures, create banners on the computer, play video games, and use social

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