
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

After reviewing this assignment, I learned that my approached was going to be a little different from what I was accustomed to doing with other assignments. In previous assignments I referred to a project that my company had completed and had control of from beginning to the end. In that scenario we were in control of and responsible for how far off we were from the schedule/task, cost, and projected finish time. Basically in this assignment the manager was there from the beginning as well; somewhere along the way the project manager’s focus has shifted and we have been given the responsibility to re-evaluate the situation and determine which direction should be taken to get back on track with cost and time. In this scenario the project manager has lost sight of his scope and time schedule. The first task at hand it to re-assess the project. Review everything from the start beginning with the design of the project breakdown. Review projected activities for the project, also look at the timeline and projected cost they were going to incur, and what the potential milestones they anticipated along the way. Obviously the focus on the project scope has been lost; which aides us in allocating sufficient time, desired work performance, and reassurance the work performed meets the desired standards (Turner, 2014). A thorough review of our work breakdown structure gives us an opportunity to compare where we projected we would be and where we actually are in the project timeline.

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