
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

Writing has never really been one of my strengths. Even in high school, when I took an AP English literature course, I did not enjoy writing papers if need be. Since I did not fancy writing papers, I never really developed a systematic writing process. I would write the paper last minute and pray for an A, but college doesn’t work like that. When I came to college, I placed into music classes first so that I could develop those skills, thus leaving my core classes (including English) on the backburner. Although I do not regret this decision, having a two-year gap between English classes made it difficult to get back in the swing of things. Instead of spending hours practicing instruments and music theory, I was faced the challenging task to shift gears and spend a majority of my time behind my laptop. How was I supposed to manage this new workload?
As a music major, I have spent the past four semesters of college focused on practicing instruments, singing, or session planning. The handful of papers I have written previous to this semester was only due to my child psychology, sociology, and Music Therapy methods courses. Well, this semester has turned my study world upside down. Some of my 20 credits this semester includes: an English course, American National Government, Music History, and Communication in Music Therapy. It discouraged me to learn that each of these classes are writing intensive and implement some writing styles I was not familiar with (APA, MLA, Chicago,

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