
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

In our everyday lives, we tend to categorize people because of their race, culture, their socioeconomic status, and judge people by their looks, age, ability, and gender. When I was working at a daycare past summer of grade 9, I met one Chinese girl who was around 4-5 years old. One time I witness her classmates making fun of her because she has a asian accent when she talks in English, her eyes are small, her mom works at a restaurant with low pay. Even during break, I would always see her sitting in a corner all alone, while others were having fun. Therefore, I took the courage to talk to her. Throughout the conversation, I realized that she was mad at herself because she has a different race from others, language barrier between her and her classmates and she was ashamed of her mother working at a restaurant because other parents work at a higher pay occupation. From the kid’s perspective, I agree that they may have acted this way because their parents haven’t taught them well about this issue. However, I question myself for the way I reacted to this issue because I feel that I should have put more effort in helping the situation. At that time, I feel like I should have talk to the kids about what they did wrong. However, at that time I feared that if I teach the kids, I would not have the power as a teacher to make them listen to me because I only worked there for a few days. I agree that telling the teacher would be one of the best ways to solve it but

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