
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

There are multiple reasons I am where I am today and why I’m going where I’m going. I have struggled in school ever since I can remember but without the people that I have had in my life I wouldn’t where I am today. But as I will talk about the teacher have played a huge role in the reason I am able to be where I am today. I have always had a difficult time in school learning has never come easily to me. When I was in elementary school I was really struggling and I started falling behind. All of my teachers were telling my mom that I just didn’t care or I wasn’t trying. It absolutely wasn’t because I didn’t care. I was trying my best but I always came up short I always felt like something was wrong with me. My mom ended up taking me to get tested to see what was really happening. She took me to All Kinds of Minds. We found out that I had a learning Disability as well as severe ADHD. At the time I didn’t understand I just thought I was stupid. As I got older I started to understand that it wasn’t me, it was the way I was being taught, wasn’t the way I needed to be taught. Well, and a little bit be but that part wasn’t as easy to control. After I was diagnosed with a learning disability; I was put in a class for kids with “special needs” at my local public school. I was put in this class because they were supposed to give me the support and help that I needed to succeed. I had one really good teacher she was teaching me in a way that I understood. When I when to

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