
Reflection Of Writing And Writing

Decent Essays

Ever since I was younger I loved writing and reading. I would write short stories when I was younger, and you could always find me with a book in my hand. But as I was growing up that love faded because I soon found grammar and spelling hard to get correct. Also, when I would read out loud some words I could not pronounce so there were times when my peers would make fun of me. These experiences have turned me away from writing and reading, but I believe that this class had helped me get some of that love back. This class made me like reading and writing again because it has helped me improve my grammar, thought process, and critical thinking. In my workshop argumentative paper my group marked a lot of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Also, they pointed out that my thought process jumped a lot in my paper. It got to the point of where I had to delete a lot of paragraphs and rewrite almost the entire paper. Even though I thought the changes I made to the paper made it the best it could be I still got a grader lower than I thought I would. This made me sit down and look back at all the comments my professor made and try to understand what was wrong about the paper. I found that a lot of my problems is sentence fragments, and I still struggled with thought process. A good example of this is in my argumentative essay when I started talking about deforestation affecting the plants of the rainforest. Then I went straight into talking about what biodiversity does for

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