
Reflection Essay

Decent Essays

When I first walked into dual credit composition at the beginning of the year, I wasn’t worried about not doing well in the class. I had always been an exceptional English student, so I thought this would be a breeze for me. However, I soon learned that being good at reading doesn’t necessarily make you good at writing. From my semester in this course, my writing has become better throughout the year through writing in a way that is easier to understand, outlining all my essays, and employing better editing techniques. One of my first problems I encountered with my writing is that I tend to write in a convoluted way. I wrote with too many words and too many prepositional phrases. Such as in the rough draft of my essay three about sex education, I wrote, “This kind of rhetoric could likely cause students who are victims of sexual assault to feel as if they are not good enough for anyone, despite their experience not being of their own choice.” However, my teacher told me this sentence was way too complex and could be easily made simpler. So, in my final draft, the sentence became, “This rhetoric could cause victims of sexual assault to feel as if they are not good enough, despite their lack of control of the circumstances.” My teacher also gave me and the whole class some good advice to think about when I’m writing. “The author has to work hard so the audience doesn’t have to.” Before hearing this, I would purposefully write in a way that was complicated, because I

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