
Real Diversity Research Paper

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Coming from a small town community where there is only a single stoplight and everyone personally knows each other, diversity is not something that is experienced every day. Every year since kindergarten I have been going to school with the same group of friends who share the same socio-economic status as me and the only real diversity that the school has to offer is the one or two foreign exchange students that it is able to bring in for that year. Simply being put diversity is not present in everyday life for most of my classmates.
One day my eyes were open to the world and I finally saw diversity for the first time was when I went to work with my father, who is an elementary school teacher. My father works in the Lakeview School District …show more content…

I got up in the morning like it was going to like any other day for me. On the way to the school, we drove through the local neighborhood and that it self-was an eye opening experience. My whole entire life I have been surrounded by elegant houses, but here it was not the case. There I saw abandoned and foreclosed houses where families were living in remodeled military barracks in cramped conditions with multiple families in a single house. When we finally arrived at the school and walked through the reinforced metal doors used to prevent break ins from occurring. It was what was inside of those doors that changed my outlook on society for the rest of my life. Inside I saw different races and ethnicities of students waiting to start their school day. On the contrary, to common belief, there were Caucasians, African-Americans, and Mexicans mingling altogether without any segregation. To the kids, race and ethnicity did not matter to they all viewed each other as equal and more importantly as friends. As the day went on I got to personally know a couple of students and a common thing came up and it was school. For the kid's school was their escape from poverty and domestic issues and while at school race and ethnicity never crosses their minds they do not see each white or black they see each other as classmates and

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