
Questions And Answers On The Film 'Christopher'

Decent Essays

1. “So I would be feeling sad about something that isn’t real and doesn’t exist. And that would be stupid.” (109.75) _Christopher Christopher has been through quite a bit in his life, especially with his family. His mother had an affair with the next door neighbor’s husband, Mr. Shears. He was also forced to believe that his mother had died from a heart attack. Even though such events have taken place, he is not really bothered by them. Either he seems to be mature about all of this, or he simply does not care. Someone without his condition would be confused and heartbroken. Christopher, though, is indifferent about the entire matter. He could be thought of as a parent who broke the news to their children that Santa Claus does not exist. The adult would think that the kids’ …show more content…

When they were young, they would always react in such a manner that did not make any sense. Perhaps it was the only way for them to act at that age; who knows what went on inside our heads when we were strange children?

3. “I could see him touching me like I was watching a film of what was happening in the room, but I could hardly feel his hand at all. It was just like the wind, blowing against me.
(157.114) _Christopher In this scene, Christopher was in another world, for he felt nothing when his father touched him. He did not have any reaction because Christopher simply could not feel anything. The truth of his mother being alive shocked him to the state of being numb.
Usually, Christopher would show or say what he is thinking. Now, though, he is silent and not saying a single word. It is like when we find out a secret about a close friend or family member. At times, we cannot find anything to say, so we just stay silent and hope that someone understands why.

4. “And I didn’t scream. And I didn’t fight. And I didn’t hit him.” (157.115) _Christopher The truth of his mother still being alive left Christopher emotionally drained.

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