
Public Shaming As A Punishment

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The idea of public shaming as a punishment is an idea that goes back centuries in history. In modern times the setting of public shaming has shifted from outside in public to inside on the internet. People are attacked and publically shamed for all to see through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and much more. The idea of media shaming is an important idea to consider and to question about the effects that it has on a person’s life. People should care about the issue because it can happen to anyone, at anytime, from just one simple mistake. The idea of public shaming through the internet is not an acceptable form of punishment in modern society because it can cause deep and long lasting psychological damage, cause people to lose their jobs, and allows the perpetrators to hide behind a screen and remain unidentified.
One of the major reasons why public shaming is not an acceptable form of punishment in today’s society is because it can cause deep and long lasting psychological damage. Usually after someone has received their punishment they can move on with their lives but when someone is humiliated they get psychological damage with effects that can stay with them for the rest of their lives. In the article “Hide and Seek,” Neel Burton says that, “Humiliation is traumatic and often hushed up, whereas embarrassment, given enough time, can be sublimed into a humorous anecdote.” What Neel is really saying here is that although someone can be embarrassed, the

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