
Physical Exercise Research Paper

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The famous Latin phrase "mens sana in corpore sano" (healthy mind in a healthy body) illustrates the fact that man has always felt the need to exercise the body in order to achieve a complete mental well-being. Depression is one of the diseases that most incapacitates humans. And one of the most common psychiatric illnesses - one in four women and one in ten men may experience depressive episodes at any poin of their lives. Depression is characterized by feelings of sadness, lack of self-confidence, generalized feelings of guilt, pessimism and disbelief. A general psychic state that changes in very negative ways how one values and perceives reality and life. This is a all accompanied by a lack of vitality that increases the risk of sunking into a black hole of hopelessness, which …show more content…

It is now a very well-documented fact that constant and moderate physical exercise (especially aerobic exercise) has beneficial effects on overall health, physically and mentally. At the psychological level, it reduces anxiety and stress, improves self-esteem and self-confidence, and improves cognition. The uplifting effect of physical exercise stems from the release of substances, such as endorphins, which provide a sense of peace, tranquility, and pleasure. These uplifting effects conteract the unhealthy moods and neurological states correlated with depression.

BDNF signaling - One such mechanism is BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor) signaling. Exercise induces significant expression of this hormone over the long-term, and this has been associated with a vast array of neurological health factors. BDNF signaling has been found to negatively correlate with the onset of depressive symptoms on a neurological level (as well as Alzheimer's and schizophrenia). Aerobic exercise also helps to curb the effects of the stress hormone - cortisol - which promotes BDNF signaling and promotes a strong immune

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