
Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

For decades, professors have struggled to keep student’s sole attention during lectures. This dilemma has become more prevalent in recent years with the increased presence of laptops in lecture halls across the country. Laptops provide an irrefutable amount of distraction with the entire internet being literally at the user’s fingertips. While some students believe that laptops help them take more in-depth notes and focus more in the classroom, most professors strongly refute this belief. Although they give several warnings against it, professors have seen with their own eyes that students are scrolling through their Facebook or Twitter feed when they should be taking notes. Due to the substantial number of students who multitask on their laptops instead of solely using them for notetaking, many professors have adopted policies explicitly banning laptops in the classroom. This debate between students and professors has prompted numerous researchers to study the effects of laptop use in the classroom, both on the individual using the laptop and those students surrounding the laptop user.
Due to the high prevalence of multitasking that occurs with laptop notetaking, Sana, Weston, and Cepeda (2013) studied the effect of multitasking on a laptop on individual academic performance in a classroom setting. This study not only examined the comprehension of factual knowledge presented in the lecture, but it also studied performance on more difficult application-style problems based on the information given. The researchers hypothesized that participants who were multitasking during the lecture would comprehend less and therefore perform worse in the course than those participants who were not multitasking. Researchers also believed that the harmful effects of the multitasking would be evident in both the factual problems and the apply-your-knowledge style questions.
To study these effects, the researchers studied forty participants who were enrolled in a Psychology in a large Canadian university. Although all the students were enrolled in the course, they had very diverse majors and minors. All participants were instructed to attend a 45-minute PowerPoint lecture on meteorology and take notes using their laptops.

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