
Persuasive Essay On Cars

Decent Essays

We currently use fossil fuels as are primary source of energy, but they are running out. In addition to that, they pollute, resulting in global warming. Humans have thought of many brilliant ways to save energy and earth, such as hydro electricity, nuclear energy, and windmills. Out technology is related to saving the millions of gallons of fuel used on cars each day by adding solar panels on the roof of a car. We chose this because cars use a lot of fuel. All this use of fuel is bad because we are running out, and we don't want fuel to run our and we are unprepared. Right now, we are using a phone which is slowly running our of battery. Since we have no alternative, we basically have no charger for your phone when battery runs out. According to the United States Energy Information Administration, we use 391.73 million gallons of gasoline a day(On average) in the U.S. alone. That is how quickly we are losing fossil fuels, so we need to run cars in another way. There are many current technologies focusing on saving the fossil fuels used on cars. One is the commonly known “Hybrid Cars”. Hybrid cars are the current “star” for cars that save fossil fuels. They have an electric battery as well as a combustion engine. That way, you can use electricity from an outlet to charge your car, and while you are on the road, you can rely on electricity to power you until you run out, then you switch to gasoline. This way, you can completely not use fossil fuels such as gasoline for

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