
Persuasive Essay On Alzheimer's

Decent Essays

Imagine waking up in a strange place, not knowing where you are. You don’t know who your are. You forgot how to to walk, or even take a sip of water. A strange woman claiming to be your daughter comes in and explains over and over again who she is. Alzheimer's is a progressive disease that targets the brain of elderly people. Most of the time it results in death. Alzheimer's is the third leading cause of death among people over 50 in the United States. But when someone is in the severe and final stage of alzheimer’s, is miserable, and the result is inevitably death, is it ethically right to stop treatment? The answer is yes, would you want to sit and watch a loved one lose everything that makes them happy and have no recognition of you or …show more content…

But doing further research I changed my mind. I put myself in this person's shoes and I thought to myself, would I like to drag on the suffering until my body breaks down, or stop taking the meds and end the suffering quicker. Even being a family member of a severe alzheimer's patient would be hard. I couldn’t stand watching my mom or grandma or dad go through what these patients go through. I don’t know her very well but my great grandma is in the moderate stage of Alzheimer’s. She is very depressed and doesn’t even remember mine or my mom's name. I hate to see her like that and talking to her is the worst because she will repeat the same story numerous times. Sometimes she will dose off, forget words, and can’t even remember she is on the phone talking to us. This is very sad, but since she is only in the moderate stage and not the severe, we can’t take her off of her meds because she still can do physical activities and take care of herself. I can’t imagine what it is like to have a parent or grandparent with the severe stage of the disease. Thinking about this and taking in some personal experiences I believe they ethically should be able to get off of there meds.

Throughout all of my research my opinion has changed about the topic; Should Late stage severe Alzheimer's patients be able to stop the treatment they are on? After using personal experiences and doing

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