
Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

Many people in our society have been cast away and looked down upon because they are different from us. Others convey these messages including Harper Lee , in To Kill a Mockingbird , and "What , of this Goldfish , Would You Wish ? ",by Etgar Keret. We can accept others in many ways including ending discrimination , disregards people past action or choice , and being able to see stuff from others people's point of view. Humans need to always accept those who are different for the greater good of our society . We need to accept others even when they are a different color or race to create a fair community between all of us . One author that displays this is Harper Lee saying “To begin with , this case should never have come to trial . This …show more content…

Not only is he teaching his kids a moral lesson but he is teaching them to accept everyone . Keret explains , " He says all kinds of things , fast things . And it's hard for Sergei to follow ; his Hebrew isn't so good " (Keret 3 ) . Serger was not one to get his door knocked on because many people judged him and did not want to get near him . If someone were to be in Sergi’s shoes they would not understand what's going on, and be afraid. . If the boy was in his shoes he would understand why he did these actions . Sergi was terrified and did not understand anything , because the lack of him of social interaction and language. Both of these stories convey multiple themes , but one that sticks out is standing in someone's shoes and see it from their point of view . To make the society a better place we can not assume others ,by their past decision . People may make bad decisions , but they then learn from their experiences and end up becoming a better person . Keret says " After the last wish , Sergei won't have a choice . He'll have to let the goldfish go . His magic goldfish . His friend " ( Keret 6 ) . Sergei did hurt Yotan , but he did save him with his last wish . The goldfish was his only friend, and selfless he saved the boy's life . Sergi is a very lonely man , with no friends because his lack of speaking a language

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