
Personal Reflective Essay

Satisfactory Essays

When I am not working at my grocery store, I coach a high school bowling team. I have been bowling for many years and coaching for two. Since I took over the team, we have won back-to- back state championships. However, with any sport comes strategic thinking between the head coach and his assistants. Before every match, I and my assistant coach have to create a line-up that obtains stressful strategic thinking. The way bowling matches work is that we have a team of six bowlers and each bowler is matched up against their opponent on the other team. If that person wins their game, they get a point. The most points at the end of the match wins the match. So, when writing my lineup, I have to determine which players to match up to the other team’s players. I could put my strongest player against their strongest player and maybe get a point, or I can put my strongest player against their weakest players and guarantee a point. Also, I could mix up my lineup and place the bowlers in any lineup. …show more content…

In this case, my choice of my strong bowlers against their weak bowlers is the dominant strategy. The major aspect of dominant strategy is used in the game theory. The game theory can be studied as an examination of conflict and solutions (Smojver, 2016). The main objective of my strategic lineup is to maximize the probability of my team winning the match. Obviously, the other person’s dominant strategy would be the lineup that the other coach created. The unique solution that I chose is to go with the mix up lineup because the main objective is to obtain more points than the other

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