
Personal Narrative: Life After Italy

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I was never an avid reader. Under normal circumstances, I would’ve relied on people around me for information rather than find it myself. Under normal circumstances, I would simply work for a living. Work until I would make something of myself. These were not normal circumstances. Now I wished that I picked up a book and thought for myself before my life would come to this. It was rather comfortable, I must admit. Quiet; Nothing particularly notable or significant has ever happened since I came here. It wasn’t any different than any other Italian villages, except the lone man hiding in the shed behind a manor house, huddled up next to his radio like a child to a television. There were four radio stations, three of which were Italian Fascist. …show more content…

The Fascist regime was crumbling, and it was now my time. After being responsible for the deaths of so many people,10 Mussolini was now getting what he deserved, even though I will never participate in post-execution embarrassment. Regardless, I was not afraid anymore. I could live a life where I wouldn’t have to depend on a wealthy couple’s shed. And the man that created that pirated station does not need to hide anymore. I already had a plan for what I was going to do with my life after Italy would be peaceful once again. *** I reached the employment office. I now knew what I had to do with my newfound freedom. Italy is free, and so am I, and not even my weakened legs could stop me. The man behind the desk was hiding back his excitement after the execution, while I didn’t bother to hold it in. It was still considered impolite to discuss politics with strangers, but that is not I was here for. I finally get to speak my mind after what happened. I planned on doing something like this for the sake of my future. I wanted a job. “Let me see what is available,” he said, though I knew there were much more options now. “Is there anything you have in mind?” I nodded. I don’t have to keep quiet anymore. I looked up at him. “A radio

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