
Personal Narrative: Bullying Changed My Life

Decent Essays

Bullying Changed My Life......For the Better
Little did I know that, Middle School would be the place where the worst years of my life would begin. Middle School is where I learned and felt the meaning of “bullying”. I always believed that if one is to sit away from people and be quiet they wouldn’t be bothered, guess I was wrong.
I had many encounters with many of those so called "bullies". But, there is only two girls that would make my life a living nightmare. One of them bullied me from 5th to 6th grade, the other one bullied me from 7th to 8th grade.
All I could do was teach myself to overlook all that negativity. Sadly, the situation just got worse and worse day in and day out. It felt like as if they kept repeating themselves. As if …show more content…

My smile on the other hand, demonstrated that there was strong girl inside me somewhere and it was up to me to heal my wounds.
Those words that came out of my sweet grandmothers mouth still follow me today. Her and the rest of my family have been there for me through everything. They have always told me the exact same thing year after year, "Think Positive". Sure enough those two words have gotten me to where I am today.

Quintanilla 2
Trust me, I had a point where I could not take it anymore, but I kept telling myself that I wasn’t going to let anything get in my way. My positive thinking has led me up to this point I am much more stronger than I use to be. I use to be so vulnerable to all the obstacles life had thrown at me, but I learned now that they were all for a reason. We go through so much to learn and grow strong. If it wasn’t for all that, I'd still be weak. Through hard work and positive thinking I am now on my 4th semester here at Galveston College, majoring in Nursing. All I have to remember those rough times, are the scars that they left within me. Those scars give me motivation to keep going, reminding me that bullying didn’t stop me. If God permits me, I am going to continue to make sure that nothing else gets in between me and my

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