
Personal Narrative : A Trip To The Movie Theater

Decent Essays

Have you ever been in a dark, lit room where the only light is coming from a screen you are facing while being entertained by an enjoyable film and maybe snacking on some popcorn? Well, the movie theater is an excellent place to go if you haven’t been in that dark lit room. I have been to the theater on various occasions but there is one specific occasion where I learned a valuable lesson, but let me start at the beginning. A few years ago, when I was about six years old I went to see a movie with my parents, and my sister. Before the movie began, we went to run some errands. After a while of running errands, I began to realize that we were going to be late to the movie if we didn’t start heading to the theater.

At the time I was very young and was not wise enough to realize what was important and what was not. So, when I noticed we were going to be late to the movie, I started to overreacting and I said to my father in a panicked voice, “Dad we are going to be late to the movies if we don’t hurry up!” “Calm down, if we are late we are late, there is nothing we can do about it,” he replied sternly. “If you don’t want to miss any part of the movie we can go next week.” He added with a calm tone in his voice.

When my father responded very sternly I was upset that he did not care about this, but then again I still was only six years old and did not know the difference between what is important and what is unimportant. I now realize that I was unreasonable to get mad at my father for no good reason. So I had to wait until they were finished with what they had to do before we went to the movies.

When we finally got to the movie theater, bought our tickets, and entered the cinema, we had only missed fifteen minutes of the movie. My family and I got there just in time to understand the movie. The movie was about a family of dinosaurs where there were a father and a mother. They had three children and the youngest child was the one who would feel that he got the least attention from his parents. He would most often feel resented by his father. However, from the viewer's point of view, it was very clear that the youngest son was spoiled by his mother already. Though, his father just did not treat him the

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