
Personal Narrative-9/11 Flag Raising Hero

Decent Essays

9/11 Flag Raising Hero

It was the morning of September 11, 2001 in New York City. I woke up at 6:00 am to put my uniform on and say goodbye to my wife and children as I head off to work. The morning started off just fine, the sun was shining the skies were blue, and traffic was heavy as businessmen and women were headed to work. I work with Brooklyn’s Ladder Company No. 157 as a firefighter. I went into work and greeted my friend George johnson who is also a firefighter. It was around 8:47 when I got the call that they were dispatching us and telling us to head to the north tower because there was an attack. When I heard the news I was in shock and couldn't believe it, but I knew what had to be done. I remember running into that building and all I could think about was am i going to make it out to see my family again, my main goal was to stay safe, and help as many people as …show more content…

A Lot of innocent lives were lost that day. Fortunately I did make it out of the disaster and so did Johnson, and another fellow fireman. As we were sitting on the curbside reminiscing on what just occurred I saw a American Flag hanging on the side of a boat, I told Johnson to come help me go get it. And luckily Eisengrein was nearby and willing to give a hand . all three of us hung the flag in the perfect sport, on a high flagpole where everyone could see. We hung it there because we wanted it to represent us and even though something so tragic took place that we America is still standing and that we are not going anywhere no matter what is thrown our way we are all he standing strong helping one another out. I can't go back and change that day and all that happened, and there will always be a sense of remorse and regret that I will have when thinking about 9/11, but one thing I do not regret is raising that flag showing that not only myself but America is still

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