
Parkinson Research Paper

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Parkinson's disease affects the way you move. It happens when there is a problem with certain nerve cells in the brain. Normally, these nerve cells make an important chemical called dopamine. Dopamine sends signals to the part of your brain that controls movement. Some conspiracy theories makes us happy by creating a picture where hitler was finally reduced to a trembling, almost rigid person with the mood swings of a woman at her worst PMS, shambling through a burnt, destroyed, and pillaged Nazi regime because he was inflicted by parkinson's disease in the final days of his life. Although it is rumored that hitler really had this disease. It was highly unlikely that he died from it due to the fact that parkinson's disease does not kill by …show more content…

A newspaper form group of Americans neurologists make the case that hitler suffered from parkinson's disease for much of his life, and that some of his most fateful decision were influenced by the neurological disorder. The possibilities of hitler suffering from parkinson's disease has long been the subject of debate. Lieberman suggested that hitler suffered from parkinson's early as 1933. Video evidence depicts that hitler exhibited progressive motor function deterioration from 1933 to 1945. That hitler suffered from parkinson's at the end of his life is not a new idea but gupta et al.say that hitler’s disease may have impacted large parts of his life career. Making Him impulsive and reckless,and ultimately making him lose WW2. We propose that hitler’s conditions may have led him to attack russia prematurely in 1941. Lieberman has suggested that the decision to invade russia without an before defeating britain on the western front and waiting for reinforcements from japan, was not only reckless but also was influenced by hitler’s failing health . The authors cite other bad decision of hitler;s such as the failure to defend normandy in 1944, and his refusal to allow his forces to withdraw from stalingrad in 1942, as products of the dictator's “volatile temperament” which they say, may have been exacerbated by his parkinson

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