
Paper On Pediatric Psychiatry

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Pediatric Psychiatry, this is a career that I haven't thought much about until a few months ago. I chose this career, not for the pay benefits or the money in general, rather I chose this career because I want to be able to help people. I've always loved the idea of bettering someone else's life or saving their life, but I've always been extremely squeamish, so the idea of being a surgeon or any physical doctor didn't seem right for me. So, I came across psychiatry and decided that it seemed like the best fit for me.

The idea of mental illness has always been around, but in 1808 the study of such things was given a name, this name being psychiatry. The name was coined by Professor Johann Christian Reil, and can be seen first in a seminal paper he had wrote at the time. The name psychiatry comes from psyche, meaning soul or mind, and iatros, meaning physician. So, in a sense, psychiatry means a physician that deals with the mind and soul. Stannard-Friel, 155–160. …show more content…

He came up with this, because he found that due to human nature, people aren't always truthful in what they tell themselves about their mental state. This development sparked the movement of people being more open with their own and other peoples phyche. Reidbord, Steven. “A Brief History of Psychiatry.”

Throughout history, the mentally ill have been treated horribly and have been treated as such up until the late 20th century. In the very beginning of treatment, people who were mentally ill were treated as if they were controlled by demons. This has been found to be false, and since then the mentally ill have been treated with better care and more caution. Stannard-Friel, Don. “Ward 3A Revisited.”

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