
Outcome Practice

Better Essays

acticeUnit 513
Andrew Blackwood

Understanding and implementation of outcome based practice within my work setting.
Outcome based practice is to deliver a service which is measured by the outcomes of the support delivered.
From the initial stages of referral it is made clear what outcomes are expected to be achieved or worked towards. An individual’s care co-ordinator will draw up a pen picture representing the individual and disclosing details of the support that they require and a summary of their character, within this pen picture, required outcomes will be stated and it’s down to us to detail how we can meet these outcomes within our practice. A required outcome may state:
“A long term period of stability and …show more content…

It is of upmost importance that the systems and processes used are in favour of the promotion of well- being. Many professional parties involved in the care of an individual have many different systems and many different processes so to avoid confusion I will focus on some applicable to our organisation.
The initial care needs assessment has a huge impact on the individual’s well- being as first contact with a service which will be playing a huge part in the delivery of your care can be quite daunting. It is important to make the individual feel valued, empowered and in control of their own care package. A good care needs assessment will reflect the individual’s wants, dreams, aspiration’s and how they want their life to be, it will highlight their true needs as well as their strengths.
The review process should have the same result as the above and should ensure that changes are monitored, progress mapped and new goals and targets are set, it is imperative that the care plan gives a true and current reflection of the individual in order for them to receive the correct support.
Lead practice that promotes individuals’ health and choices and control over the outcomes they want to achieve (O3.3, O3.4, O4.4)
Develop a plan to ensure your workforce has the necessary training to recognise individual health care needs and to support individuals to achieve outcomes * See ‘Training requirements to meet service user individual needs’ document

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