
Organizational Culture And Employee Value System

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Adopting Organizational Cultural

Coming straight from training to Cloths and Accessories (C&A) store located in Vitoria, David clearly failed to understand organizational culture and employee value system. He should have picked up the cue from former store manager, Douglas Fischer, “to know his team before introducing any change”. Organization, just like countries have their own culture and values (Cable and Judge, 1996), David was apt in observing that employee were not smiling, mannequins were always dressed without any accessories, he however should have reflected on those instances as a symptom and should have made an attempt to probe it further. Just like self awareness, it is perhaps was desirable for David to be aware …show more content…

Perhaps the confidence he had acquired from successful completion of training, complimented by trust from his senior management, David is inclined towards external and control centric approach (Investment, Be first) toward resolving the problem creatively and yield rapid results and remain competitive. (DeGraff & Lawrence, 2002)

Lack on interest and resignation to various plans is a sharp indicator that David lacks creditability among his management team, which is a must to be an effective leader (Kouzes and Posner, 1987, 2011). One may argue David’s age (22 Years old) as one of the factor, more compulsive argument perhaps would be that he is seen as hypocritical, whose motives appear to be personal glorification instead of the welfare of organization. David’s directive approach toward how his strategy and vision is to be carried out perhaps is in conflict with his management team, who possesses collective 48 Years of experience with C&A. This further resonates well with General Pagonis’s team where he never told a subordinate how to carry out a specific task. Dictating terms undermine innovation and decreases willingness to take responsibility for his or her actions. (Pagonis, 1993, p. 119) There is a high degree of chance that David’s team is feeling invalidated


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