
Operations and Supply Chain Management

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When marketing, engineering, and operations simultaneously develop a process (cross -functional integration), this approach is known as __________ ________________. A) sequential process B) traditional approach C) concurrent engineering D) both A and B E) none of the above Feedback: C is the correct answer. Unlike the traditional serial or sequential approach, concurrent engineering uses cross-functional integration for concurrent development of a product.

Quality Function Deployment ______________ A) is a tool for translating customer requirements into concrete operating and engineering goals. B) facilitates inter-functional cooperation between marketing, engineering, …show more content…

When looking at capacity, operations managers need to look at both resource input and product outputs. B)
An operations management view also emphasizes the time dimension of capacity. C)
Capacity planning itself has a different meaning to individuals at different levels within the operations management hierarchy. D)
The definition of capacity, in an operations management context, makes a clear distinction between efficient and inefficient use of capacity. Feedback: A, B, and C are correct statements. D is the correct answer. The definition of capacity, in an operations management context, makes no distinction between efficient and inefficient use of capacity.

Capacity utilization rate can be computed as: A)
Capacity used – best operating level B)
Capacity used × best operating level C)
Capacity used / best operating level D)
Capacity used + best operating level E)
None of the above Feedback: C is the correct answer. Capacity utilization rate = Capacity used/ best operating level

Capacity flexibility can be achieved through: A)
Flexible plants B)
Flexible processes C)
Flexible workers D)
Strategies that use the capacity of other organizations E)
All of the above Feedback: A, B, C, and D are ways to achieve capacity flexibility.

Considerations in

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