
Old Mythos: A Short Story

Decent Essays

You know that old mythos, the one where if you remain a virgin until thirty then you become a wizard? Well what if I told you that there was more fact to it than originally thought. Huh? Are you calling me a liar that’s spouting out bullshit? Well I do understand where you’re coming from, after all even I didn’t believe in such things back then. At least not until it happened to me.

You see I actually heard this from God after I had died. The cause of my death wasn’t something like getting hit by a vehicle, being killed by a hostile being, or even by some accident by God. Nope, my death was good old natural old age. While my seventy-four year old life wasn’t anything exciting, at least it wasn’t filled with danger either.

Anyways, after I had died I met the being known as God. From him I learned the truth. Apparently remaining a virgin until thirty does grant a person’s soul some mana. The only thing is that this amount is quite miniscule, so much so that the person won’t even know they attained anything of the sort. Thirty was the starting point, the older you got the more mana you would receive in the end. …show more content…

However if compounded with more mana then it will remain for another lifetime or two. As such those who are virgins throughout multiple years of their lives can build up a steady mana pool in their bodies. This was the situation that had happened to

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